I Never Expected to Become a Stepmom…

I never expected to become a stepmom. When I was a teenager, I could not fathom getting together with a man who had kids. I assumed I would be way too jealous that he had children with another woman, and assumed that it wouldn’t feel special to have my first baby with him if he’d…

Bar Prep and Barbaric Bonus Moms

I have a confession to make: three quarters of a year later and I still have the occasional wave of bitterness over the bar prep questions—one in particular— that talked about stepmothers. Now, before I start spewing my trauma on the internet (kidding! kind of) let me get my lawyer disclaimer out of the way…

Jumping in Before You’re Ready

I’ve had two different blogs before during two very different respective eras of my life. I’ve been hesitant to start a third because, well… there are a lot of reasons. First, I’ve done this before (twice). Second, I am not entirely sure what the goal is or where I am going. Am I seeking an…